“Brian the Brain: Head Space” teaches children about their brain! Children will follow Brian through his day as Ryan’s brain. Brian will teach them where their brain is, and what it is used for.
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Brian the Brain Head Space (signed copies) – Traveling Chalkboard
Did you know that your brain controls everything you do? Even though the brain is only 3 pounds it has a big job! Brian the brain is excited to have you tag along with him. See where he lives and what he does all day as he controls his human, Ryan’s, every move.
OakieBees (paperback)
Brian the Brain Head Space
Brian is a brain and he has a big day ahead of him! His human is named Ryan, and it is Brian’s job to make sure his human gets out of bed, eats a healthy breakfast, crosses the street safely, and figures out all of the problems he has to solve! Children will follow Ryan along throughout his day whil… (kindle version)
Brian the Brain Head Space
Brian the Brain Head Space – Kindle edition by Mouse, Jenny. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Brian the Brain Head Space. (kindle version)