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Oedipus was the adopted son of King Polybus, who ruled over a place called Corinth. When he was grown up Oedipus learned that he was adopted and left his home to try and learn more about his past. His journey took him to a place called Thebes, which was actually where he was from (though he didn’t know it yet). Thebes had quite an impressive wall all the way around it, which was meant to keep the enemies out, but unfortunately for the people of Thebes it was also being used to keep them all in!
A fearsome beast called a sphinx was guarding the city and would not let anyone in or out! The only way to beat the sphinx was to answer a riddle correctly. Everyone who had tried had failed and had been eaten by the sphinx!
So Oedipus approached the gates of Thebes and a terrible creature appeared in front of him. She had the head of a woman, but her body was feline, covered in soft fur, had powerful muscles and long sharp claws. She had these big powerful wings on her back that looked like they belonged to an eagle, and her tail was like a snake’s!
“Can I get into the city?” Oedipus asked.
“Only if you answer my riddle.” The sphinx thundered, “and if you fail I WILL EAT YOU!”
Oedipus was a little bit taken aback by the sphinx but he was also very brave and clever, so he accepted the sphinx’s challenge.
“What walks on four feet in the morning, two in the afternoon, and three at night?”
Oedipus thought for a moment before he answered, “Well the answer must be a human! When a person is born they crawl on all fours, then they walk on two when they grow up, but when they get old they need a cane to walk with so they have three legs!”
“AAAAHHHHHH!” screamed the sphinx for Oedipus had guessed her riddle correctly. She stormed off in a mad rage, for she did not like being bested, and left the city of Thebes behind for good.
These are my personal favorites that help children and parents develop a growth mindset. It is really important to understand how the brain works and coping strategies to deal with life’s difficulties. When children learn how to cope, and how their brain works they are given the strategies to overcome any difficulty life throws at them. That is what it means to have a growth mindset!
Check out the affiliate links to my growth mindset favorites below.
For Kids
This book teaches how the brain works in a hands on way. There are a ton of puzzles and games that challenge the reader’s mind while also demonstrating concepts. There is also a ton of information about how the brain works to help children build on and use their most important organ.
Your Fantastic Elastic Brain is one of my all time favorite growth mindset books for kids. It teaches children about their brain parts and about how they can help their brain stretch and grow. The images are bright and the wording is simple enough that it would be appropriate for kids as young as seven years old.
This book is a great introduction to the brain for preschoolers and up! It is a fun story that teaches children where their brain is and what it does. It introduces scientific names of some of the brain parts and what they do.
The Hungry Henry books are my favorite book series that teaches little children about big feelings. Each book contains coping strategies and and little narrative of Hungry Henry as he goes through his day coping with his big feelings. There are actions that the kids do throughout the book to help Hungry Henry out! The only think missing is a little Hungry Henry plushie to go along with these books! (I have mentioned this to the author so fingers crossed that our Hungry Henry plushie is in the works)
The hungry henry book also contains a book on:
This is a really cute book that helps children develop mindfulness. Each letter of the alphabet gives children a different coping technique. It is fun, cute, and effective!
For Adults
This is the mindset book. Carol S. Dweck is the one who coined the term “growth mindset.” Before I read this book I thought I had a good grasp on what growth mindset was, but I learned a lot about what it wasn’t from the section on growth mindset myths. This book is scientifically backed by research, yet it is a really smooth and compelling read.
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